So 2020 has been a bit of a write off with weddings. We have had the odd wedding here and there, which has been so exciting, however generally speaking it hasn’t been a year of weddings… however, we are LOVING that it has given us the opportunity to do more family shoots with so many of our weekends freed up that would usually be all day wedding shoots at Avoca Beach. One of which was this gorgeous family, celebrating a special 60th birthday at Avoca Beach. There was no other location suited to this fam more than Avoca Beach and the shot of Tony and Julianne with the Avoca Beach SLSC in the background means so much more than a pretty picture, as this was where they met all those years ago when they were only teens. Now, with three gorgeous sons, three beautiful daugher-in-laws and 4 amazing grandchildren, it’s safe to say that they have certainly been blessed in this lifetime.