Another gorgeous Central Coast wedding, this time, at Mangrove Mountain. So much to share about Brianna and Sam’s Mangrove Mountain Wedding, where do I begin? We first met Bri years ago, shooting at a conference in Sydney (which is rare for us!) and knew right away that if this girl got married, she would be one fun bride and so when Bri got in touch and told us she was getting married at Mangrove Mountain, not only were we stoked for her, but we were stoked for ourselves to have such a fun bride to look forward to shooting. The day started at the boys. These friendly, country blokes were as chilled as you would expect country blokes to be at Mangrove Mountain so the shoot was a breeze and we strolled out of the boys prep loving life and our jobs! When we arrived at the girls, they were enjoying the morning sunshine with sparkling and nibbles, in their robes, in the shade of the lush gardens at Mangrove Mountain. The girls took their time getting ready, really enjoying the moment and it wasn’t a mad panicked rush to get ready which was a nice change as Mangrove Mountain wedding photographers. The time came to head over to the ceremony, which was enjoyed by friends and family in the shade of beautiful large trees on a private property in Mangrove Mountain. Once the two exchanged vows and we took some family group photos we went for a stroll around the property at Mangrove Mountain. It was our first time shooting on this property at Mangrove Mountain and we were surprised (and delighted) at the variety of images we were able to get! Beautiful Autumn (in Winter) leaves, sheds, a damn, pines, lush gardens with blossoming flowers… we could have shot at this private Mangrove Mountain property for hours upon hours if we had our way however as always, as natural light shooters, we are always chasing the light and before long, dusk arrived. With the marquee reception all on the same Mangrove Mountain property, we made our way over to the crowd to start the night’s celebrations with dancing, heartfelt speeches, cheeky games, and lots of great food and bevvys. We were spoilt with amazing Winter sunshine and the warm of open flame fire at night. Believe it or not, this was a DIY wedding which really gave it a special personal touch and the details from the ceremony chairs, to the candle lit centre pieces and fairy lights. Thank you for having us as your Mangrove Mountain Wedding Photographers Brianna and Sam, we hope we got some good ones for you to look back on for years and decades to come!
The Pines Campground Martinsville Elopement Wedding
We love weekday weddings, it gets us out of the office and away from the computer for the day which is a bit of a treat for us when we edit images all day every day (except on the weekends when we shoot!). Doubly excited for Sasha and Andy’s wedding because the location of the wedding was The Pines Campground Martinsville, a place we had never shot. In fact, The Pines Campground Martinsville was a place that we had never even heard of!
So we set out and drove north from Avoca Beach for The Pines Campground Martinsville and Google Maps was not our friend that day. As we got closer to The Pines Campground Martinsville, it felt like we were get farther away and this little gem of a location was not so easy to find. To add fuel to the fire, the petrol gauge was seriously low and we panicked and made the executive decision to back track away from The Pines Campground Martinsville 20 minutes to the servo. As it turned out, we were actually only 50 metres down the road from The Pines Campground Martinsville and because we are (well try to be) super organised, we made it to The Pines Campground Martinsville right in the knick of time.
It was our first time meeting Sasha and Andy at their elopement at The Pines Campground Martinsville and like so many couples Covid had disrupted their plans. With Andy’s parents and family living in the UK, it was impossible to have the family reunited and the travel-loving couple decided an elopement at The Pines Campground Martinsville was the way to go. It was an overcast day, which really worked in our favour, as it gave us nice even light and we did not need to worry about harsh, speckled lighting a bright day would have brought us. A beautiful and intimate ceremony with 6 of their dearest was enjoyed, followed by a quick stroll through the pines and a delicious smorgasbord with flowing wine and sparkling. Sasha and Andy’s love for dancing shone and although there was no dance floor, DJ or band, the small group danced in the afternoon light with not a care in the world!
Thank you Sasha and Andy for letting us capture your beautiful elopement and thanks for introducing us to this location, might need to bring the family up for a little shoot ourselves!
Family portrait photographer, Central Coast NSW
Another gorgeous family portrait session on the Central Coast NSW. How incredibly lucky are we to have this gem on the Central Coast NSW literally down the road from us – a family portrait photographer dream.
We had a lot of fun on this shoot on the Central Coast NSW and so glad this family of five decided to drive up to the Central Coast NSW from Sydney for the afternoon for their family portrait session on the Central Coast NSW, just a stone throw away compared to America, where these guys are originally from. We started at Putty Beach, for this family portrait session on the Central Coast NSW, where we were spoilt with some ocean mist, plus we pretty much had the beach all to ourselves before jumping into the car to drive up to Bouddi National Park Central Coast NSW – our fav spot just at the start of the Box Head walking trail. We absolutely love this spot for family portraits on the Central Coast NSW with the ocean views right out to Palm Beach. Too many gorgeous images to show case and I wish could have posted them all, however here are a few of our favourites on the Central Coast NSW.
Now is the perfect time to book in your family portrait photography with us on the Central Coast NSW. We love shooting in Winter, for a number of reasons. Firstly, as Central Coast wedding photographers, pretty much every weekend is dedicated to wedding photography, however during Winter, we have a lot more available weekends to shoot family portraits on the Central Coast NSW. Secondly, the beaches and parks tend to be less busy so we don’t need to worry about people in the background – you pretty much have the beach to yourself, perfect for a family portrait session on the Central Coast NSW! Bonus – A LOT less mozzies to deal with too! Thirdly, without day light savings, family portrait sessions on the Central Coast NSW tend to start a little earlier compared to during the Summer. This is great news for parents with little ones so the kids aren’t getting as tired, hungry and cranky. Lastly, there is just something about that Winter golden glow for family portrait sessions on the Central Coast NSW. The light is softer for longer giving that warm soft touch to images that aren’t harsh with strong shadows and overly bright highlights.
With the Winter break just around the corner, it’s a great time to book your family portrait session on the Central Coast NSW. Contact us for packages.

Central Coast NSW Family Photographer
Looking back over the past couple of years, we have been so fortunate to shoot so many amazing families on the Central Coast NSW. Even during a world pandemic, we spent some bright sunny afternoons with happy, loving families on the Central Coast NSW, which really did solidify the fact that family really is the most important thing in the world. Here are a few snippets of some of the beautiful families we have shot on the Central Coast NSW. Coming into the cooler months, the weddings tend to ease off a little and its just the perfect time for a family portrait session. The light is softer, social outings and commitments tend to calm down and families are spending more time with one another and have more time to relax on a weekend afternoon for a family portrait session on the Central Coast NSW. Spaces are filling up quickly though, so if a family portrait session on the Central Coast NSW has been something you have been thinking about, drop us an email and lets book a family portrait session on the Central Coast NSW in! As we have all experienced, a lot can happen in a year so don’t delay it any further – precious memories captured in time are always moments that you can look back on and appreciate.
Central Coast Wedding and Portrait Photographer | Family Photos
We at Central Coast Wedding and Portrait Photographer were absolutely in love with this family and the beautiful light we had for their family portrait the other week. We spent a beautiful afternoon at the park where, surprise surprise, most family photographers usually hang out to take breathtaking and timeless images for amazing people, such as the case with our lovely family. We at Central Coast Wedding and Portrait Photographer were lucky enough to have the best light to capture this photogenic family. Making my job as a Central Coast Wedding and Portrait Photographer so easy, just simply placed them in beautiful light and the portrait images speak for themselves.
The trick for Family photos is just to be yourselves. Add that with your favourite subtle coloured clothing (which we always say avoid bold colours and large logos) with exceptional portrait lighting, which is normally early morning or late afternoon, all combined to make simple timeless images for your family to remember for years to come. As a Central Coast Wedding and Portrait Photographer, we love travelling and finding new spots, especially places with beautiful light, and meeting amazing people to capture relaxed and candid family moments. If you and your family are keen for timeless and relaxed family photos, then we are Central Coast Wedding and Portrait Photographer aka Coast Wedding Photography are super keen to meet you. We love being behind the camera to capture your memories. Coat Wedding Photography Specialising in wedding and portrait photography throughout the Central Coast, The Hunter Valley, Newcastle and Sydney.
Norah Head Photography – Engagement shoot Lindsay & Mitch
This shoot, although was done last year, was just too good not to share! This was actually the second engagement shoot we did for these guys at Norah Head. Not because the first shoot wasn’t amazing, because it was, but it was super late start last time due to Lindsay’s hair and makeup so we didn’t have a lot of light left, plus it rained half way through the shoot! So when the team got together and decided they wanted to do some photography workshops to gear up for a busy 2021, Lindsay and Mitch were the first couple to spring to mind. On the contrary, we had amazing sunshine at Norah Head plus Norah Head isn’t somewhere we have shot very often so it was a great afternoon of creativity and fun at Norah Head. We will be blogging their beautiful Caves Beach wedding in the coming weeks too. Enjoy this Norah Head Photography!
Kulnura Central Coast Wedding Photographer – Sarah and Pat
Another amazing Central Coast Wedding that we have been fortunate to capture. Sarah and Pat tied the knot in Kulnura Central Coast NSW, a gorgeous location north of Mangrove Mountain on the Central Coast NSW, with lush properties and amazing Central Coast scenery. It has been a while since we shot a church wedding and after the ceremony we ventured off to a private property, a Central Coast wedding photographer’s dream on the Central Coast NSW for wedding. We were spoilt with perfect light and after a breezy shoot, we headed over to Yarramalong Central Coast for an intimate reception with Sarah and Pat’s dearest.

Central Coast Family Portrait Photographer – Wollongong Family
Being based on the Central Coast NSW, obviously most of our shoots are up our way on the Central Coast NSW. However, we decided to take a little road trip down south and this Central Coast family portrait photographer was fortunate enough to see some of the beautiful spots the South Coast has to offer as well as shooting a couple of families in the process! Though we absolutely love the Central Coast NSW, the south coast has some of the most spectacular spots so this Central Coast Family Portrait Photographer was indeed very happy!